52 Weeks of Podcasts Have Taught Me One Thing
It’s very simple: stories still matter. No matter our degrees, training, or background, most of us love to listen to and share our stories. That’s how we connect with each other. That’s how we learn and grow.
When I started ENGINEER YOUR SUCCESS, I wanted to share the strategies that I have used to build a successful career and a life that I love. I set out on this journey because I know that Engineers and leaders with STEM background are more than their jobs, they are people too and deserve to succeed in business and in life.
One year in, and ENGINEER YOUR SUCCESS is already ranked in the top 10% of podcasts globally! That’s huge, but that’s not why I do this.
Helping this community is my WHY. I absolutely love developing content helping Engineering & STEM leaders win at work and at home. What I did not anticipate is that many non-engineers have found the content useful as well.
So, if you’ve ever listened, subscribed, or participated as a speaker on ENGINEER YOUR SUCCESS, thank you! Your contribution matters and makes the podcast what it is, and I am inviting you to share in the celebration.
Here is your call to action! If you enjoyed ENGINEER YOUR SUCCESS, could you
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Thank you for being a part of this community! Here’s to many more years of sharing our challenges and triumphs on ENGINEER YOUR SUCCESS!